Rise Up Thou Earth

“RISE UP THOU EARTH” (Joel Gibb‘s New York gallery debut)
February 8 March 4 6-9 PM
(with after-party by Unisex Salon at the Delancey)

The Good People of SUNDAY are pleased to present the first solo gallery exhibition of felt banners collages and watercolors by Joel Gibb. On view concurrently in the project space are recent drawings by artist, filmmaker and musician G.B. Jones (Fifth Column).

Three Tour Dates Cancelled

Due to problems at the American border, the Minneapolis, Chicago, and Cleveland shows have been cancelled. The band is sorry to disappoint all the fans in those three cities.

North American Tour

The Hidden Cameras will be home from their European tour on November 5, only to set out a few days later to cover North America. The first date is Nov. 8 in Montreal.

Check out all the tour dates here.

UPDATE: New show date in Fredericton, NB on Nov. 12!