Hidrogenesse Vs. The Hidden Cameras

Hidrogenesse recently released an EP made up of 5 versions of songs from Origin:Orphan.

Hidrogenesse met Joel Gibb in the summer of 2009, and he gave gave them the vocal tracks of a couple of songs to try to remix them. Hidrogenesse did “He Falls To Me”, and some months later they had the idea of working on more songs to make this EP, so they asked Joel to send them the vocal tracks of other songs from Origin:Orphan album. The versions made by Hidrogenesse cover their favourites electronic music styles: early european synth-pop, from Kraftwerk to The Human League, from O.M.D. to D.A.F. The songs of the Hidden Cameras, so classic and simple, are perfect for creating new environments and different rhythms.

You can purchase the album here, and watch their video for He Falls To Me by clicking on the image below.